Thursday, July 10, 2008


I have some serious goal setting to do:

I need to lose like 40 pounds...I am not even joking. I don't even recognize myself in photos anymore. I know I'll never get back to near what I was in high school...but I at least want to resemble the "old me". I also don't want Delia to pick up the bad habits I've started the last few years. I want her to have a healthy family.

I need to be working more on my Southern Living business. It's weird being in transition when I know we're moving soon...but I don't know exactly when. But still...I need to be getting on that.

I want to be a member of a church so badly. Again, this is where the transition thing throws a monkey wrench in the plans.

The whole transition thing makes me think of our biggest goal...which is to get the heck out of Knoxville and on to Nashville. Mike has a phone interview at 4:30 today so hopefully that will go well and we can leave soon.

I know that when I seem so eager to leave, it may seem strange to our friends here in Knoxville, but I am just ready to go. It has nothing to do with them. I am ready to not be at Holston anymore, to be a stay at home mom, to be able to see my family more. That's what it's really about.

I need help with sticking to these goals. So if you see me...or if you don't...every once in a while, give me a nudge. I need it.

I'll get the July 4th weekend photos up soon. Hopefully this evening.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You can be a member of a church very soon....although for a short while...The Ridge yo!