Thursday, January 8, 2009

I hate my nature

I could use some prayer right now. I am a complete and total worrier. It comes from me wanting to have control of everything in my life...which I know is off.'s in my personality...and I fight it and pray about it constantly. Things (as per usual for the last 12 months or so) have not been going according to our plan. I know that at the end of this long, and sometimes dark road that things will be better. I have faith in that. I am just having trouble with faith that things in the next few days are going to be okay.

I'm not going into huge detail but it seems like just when we start to take a step forward here...we get put two steps back. It's incredibly frustrating.

So anyway...when you're praying today...if you could add me and my family in there, I'd appreciate it.


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