Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Like Rodney Dangerfield...he's going Back to School...

Mike offically starts school tonight. I know he is nervous and I honestly cannot imagine going back to school for another degree and having a family and working a full-time job. I am done with school for the rest of my life (at least for myself). I am so proud of him that he is willing to do this for his family. It means more than I think he knows. Please keep him in your prayers as he is beginning another degree and for the times that he gets discouraged. He is going to apply for the Radiology program in May and they only accept like 30 also pray that he does well and can be one of those 30.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

On our way to P-P-P-Powell

So we are most likely going to be in Powell this next weekend (Thursday, the 22nd - Sunday, the 25th). We want to see our friends...this means you: Denira, Deena, and Melissa... You better be in town. We didn't think we'd be able to make it out there this month and we for sure can't from February until early April so this will be the last time for a while. I'll be teaching a foster parent class every we're stuck here until it ends in April. in town...hang out with us...I want to see you all (and your respective children...).

Oh and if you haven't the videos in the post below...soooo funny.

Delia Dancing Dirty...

When Delia dances...she does this hilarious hip thrust that I sooooo did not teach her. It's just what her natural sense of rhythm tells her to do, I guess.

Friday, January 16, 2009

We've got a walker over here!!!

Man, I was starting to think she'd be two by the time it happened...and it actually wasn't was Monday. But Delia is a walking girl. She is still wobbly but she can go clear across rooms (that aren't too big). We took her to Opry Mills during the day on Wednesday and let her walk in there and she went (with help from my finger) from Past and Presents almost to Rainforest Cafe. In case you don't know, it's not a short walk. It took us about an hour to get there but she made it. She was so excited. She doesn't like to be corraled up in the living room anymore...she wants to explore. parents' house isn't totally baby-proofed yet so we have some cabinets and such to work on. Here's a couple of photos of her walking and I'll try to put up the video too. I've never done that before so bear with me. She's playing with my old cell keeps her away from my current one. What is it with babies and cell phones???


Thursday, January 8, 2009

I hate my nature

I could use some prayer right now. I am a complete and total worrier. It comes from me wanting to have control of everything in my life...which I know is off.'s in my personality...and I fight it and pray about it constantly. Things (as per usual for the last 12 months or so) have not been going according to our plan. I know that at the end of this long, and sometimes dark road that things will be better. I have faith in that. I am just having trouble with faith that things in the next few days are going to be okay.

I'm not going into huge detail but it seems like just when we start to take a step forward here...we get put two steps back. It's incredibly frustrating.

So anyway...when you're praying today...if you could add me and my family in there, I'd appreciate it.


Sunday, January 4, 2009

Lazy, rainy weekend

Not much has been happening this weekend...and that's just how I've liked it. Not plans, no agenda. Just going with whatever comes up.

We were going to check out a new-to-us church tonight in East Nashville but my aunt and cousin that I haven't seen in 7 months are coming through town on their way home to Kentucky so we're having dinner with them instead. City Church...we will have to meet next Sunday.

Delia is doing great. I would say growing like a weed but anyone who has seen my daughter knows the likelihood of that happening. She has such an extensive vocabulary. She knows where ALL of her body parts are...even the unmentionables (which she calls "No"...I just don't want her to hook it being all grabby down there!). She still isn't walking but I'm not at all worried...she will when she's ready. She is such a personable and outgoing girl. She says hi to just about everyone we pass when we're out. And then she wants to let them know all of the animal noises she can produce.

Since I've been able to stay at home with her now...we are missing some social interaction with other kids. Now kids her age don't "play together" anyway...but still, she's missing out on just being around other kids. So I've started taking her to storytime at Old Hickory Library where I used to go when I was little. Actually, the same sweet lady, Ms. Dorothy, is still doing storytime there after 30 years. She is amazing with kids. It's neat that Delia can sit in the same room I used to sit in and listen to the same stories and sing the same songs I sang when I was little. Anyway, she loves just being around the other kids. She's the youngest but she behaved well for being 13 months. We're also signing her up for Kindermusik classes starting January 23rd. I am so excited and I know she will love the songs and dancing and instrument playing. It will also give me time to be with other moms.

Well, that's my update for now. Have a good week!


Thursday, January 1, 2009

I am resolving to be resolute

I normally don't do these because normally I am only half-committed to actually completing I guess that also needs to be a resolution:

*Pray more
*Finish things I start
*Lose another 15 pounds by end of February (I've lost 15 since beginning of November)
*Spend more one on one time with my husband/Be a better wife
*Make two new "real" friends
*Move out of my parents' house
*Pay off our cars by summer
*Find a church (we're working on it...but it takes some time and prayer)
*Get into a Bible study on a weekly basis
*Be an even better mom to Delia

Those are reachable goals, I think.

What are some of yours that you can actually stick to?
