Wednesday, November 12, 2008

We're here!

So we're here. We're getting moved in and settled. We're trying to get adjusted to the time zone change. We still feel like we're just visiting. I keep thinking of all these things I want to do like I'm just in for the weekend and then I realize that I have a lot of time to do all this stuff.

It was really sad leaving everyone and our house. I cried with D asleep in the backseat on our way to stay at Mike's aunt and uncle's on Friday night.
I mean a baby. It's not that we're not's just a lot to take in.

We've been trying to get our living quarters arranged. It's like working one of those puzzles where you have the one empty square and you have to move the other pieces around with just that one square missing. My parents have been very cool and it's so good to know that they're right downstairs instead of almost 200 miles away.

We'll start to feel a lot more normal once we get into a routine...find a church...make friends at work and school (for Mike)...that sort of thing. We had dinner at our friends, Will and Becca's tonight. It was good to see them since it's been a while for me. They've never met Delia so they were excited to see her. We also got to see the Wii Fit tried out and now I really really want one. Anyway...I need to get to bed. I have to work on our room tomorrow and get Delia's birthday gifts.

I still have photos to post...they'll have to wait.

We miss you guys (you know who you are)!!!



Denira Baird Williams said...

I'm so sorry that we didn't get to see you all before you left. I hope that you all are getting settled in. We're praying for you all that you get settled in and things get back to normal for you all. We miss you already!!! Girls night was just not the same without u and miss D.

We'll see ya soon!!!

Melissa Donna Abbott-Hill said...

I was sad when I left your house Friday too. The whole time I've known you, you've lived here - but it isn't that far away. I hope I can come to D's birthday, I have a doctor's appointment next Wednesday so I should know more then. We had girl's nite last nite and it wasn't the same at all. Chris and I are praying for you guys and know that you will soon be right at home!

Deena said...

tear, tear!!! We miss you guys very much.... we will have to come and see you since we didn't last friday!