Saturday, November 22, 2008


Since we don't have our computer hooked up to the internet yet...I have to use my MySpace photo folders to do this. Denira tagged me and the way it works is you go to your fourth photo album folder and then the fourth photo. You upload it and write four things about it.

1. This was taken about three hours after Delia was born (almost one year ago!).
2. She was under the oxygen hood due to aspirating on amniotic fluid at birth.
3. She was about to be taken to ETCH NICU for better treatment.
4. We didn't know if we'd see her again...the nurse practioner did not give us a good prognosis. It was the most scared I have ever been and the darkest (and yet happiest) day of my life.

I'll do another when I have my computer hooked up.

Now I tag:

Ashley Downey
Karen Woelke
Angela Whittaker
Pierrette Abegg


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