Saturday, September 27, 2008

Fall, wonderful fall!

I just checked the 10 day forecast here and starting Wednesday, it's supposed to be sunny and in the mid to lower 70s. I am sooo excited!!!

We went to GreekFest and the Food Show yesterday and got a ton of free stuff and yummy Greek food. It was fun just hanging out, mother and daughter.

I absolutely love fall. A lot of people love summer and spring (spring is nice the way), but fall just does it for me. We've already planned an orchard trip and have bought Delia's first Halloween costume. She's going to be a ladybug. It's adorable. We had chili for the first time last night since last year. That's a big deal for means fall has arrived! I just love all the festivals and holidays around this time. I love being able to wear a sweater or jacket and I can't wait to get Delia in some of her fall clothes...some I've had saved since before she was born. I've already bought stuff to make apple cider (my favorite!). We also got Delia a couple of cheap Halloween/fall themed dvds. I remember in August of 2007 I had posted a blog on my MySpace about how much I love fall and how excited I was to share that with Delia...and now that time is here and I couldn't be happier!

Speaking of our little lady...she'll be 10 months old tomorrow! Can you believe it? Two months until her first birthday! It has flown by.

Oh and we've had a lot of things happen within the last week that will more than likely cause our home to sell in the next 30 days. I'm not going into detail because it's sort of complicated but there's a real chance we'll be leaving very soon. Mike also found out he's still in the running for those Epiphone jobs. It would be very cool if we sold the house and he got the Epiphone job all at the same time.

Continue to pray for us...this is still nerve-wracking, but I feel like I'm more at peace and calm about it all. God has really revealed Himself to me lately and I know He's taking absolute care of us.


1 comment:

Marsha Loftis said...

I love fall too!!! It means it's time for halloween, then Thanksgiving and finally Christmas. I want to see snow. I haven't seen snow in years.